章潔 Yvonne Lu


出⽣臺北,現居紐約的藝術攝影師,多次獲得法國PX3、美國IPA攝影獎等多個國際攝影獎殊榮, 更在 2015 年年獲選美國 IPPAwards的年度攝影師,受到紐約TIMESCNN、英國每日通訊報等國際媒體注目。2014年在美國藝術學院取得攝影碩⼠學位,曾任職紐約知名藝術家 Kahn & Selesnick 的攝影助理,與瑪格蘭攝影通訊社(Magnum Photos)紐約辦事處⼯作。長期離家旅居,攝影對章潔而言是以眼神詮釋人生意外的對話⽅式,走過多個城市,她以⼀種有別於傳統的現代藝術形式,重新定義了⾃己的獨特影像語言。

Yvonne Lu is a Taiwanese artist based in New York City. Born in 1986, she graduated with a MFA in photography from Savannah College of Art and Design, and began working as a fine art artist, photographer and writer. She started her career working as a freelancer for Magnum Photos and published her first photo book in 2016.
Through her career in photography, Yvonne has received awards from International Photography Awards (USA), IPPAwards (USA), Nikon Photography Award (Japan) and Prix de la Photographic Paris (France). Her work has also made appearances in TIME Lightbox, CNN and numerous publications internationally in the United States, France, China, Taiwan, Korea, Russia and Canada.


Yvonne Lu
This artist is represented by Vintage Gallery Taipei.